Friday, May 6, 2011

Finding Diamonds p: 50

AyinBase with R' Paltiel p: 50 5/5/2011 ThursdayNight 1 Iyar 5771

Page 50 – end of the 4th line of the page (line starts: mivatbalim...)

The expression, shem dava emiti – they are a real thing, means that the souls are real and can never be nullified and can relate to whatever they receive.

All faculties are rooted in the soul. It has chochmah, not as an 'add-on'. Sechel is a soul factor, but its source remains obscure. You can have sechel and not see any connection to a true matter. The truth factor comes out when you put pressure on a sechel. This is like if you 'picture to yourself ahavat hashem – love of G-d' and it will become your habit, and though one doesn't fully understand it, and one may think, 'I am tricking myself', he should not be concerned, since this is the real truth, even though he doesn't have the capacity to recognise it.

This is our form of avodah/service. This is how we say shmoneh esrei – 'you stand as if before a king' – who are you fooling?! But it is not fooling – it represents the soul more than anything else, except the coarseness of the body and distractions of sechel hide it, but it is the real truth...

The physical world is 'an equal contender' since it also represents atzmi – essence, and can hence conceal.

The souls have the element of 'bli-gvul' – infinity. Davar emiti – the truth quality is the inner aspect and their infinity is the revelation of this. Souls descended from world to world. Till the lowest world, till they are enclothed in a physical body. To do this one has to limit the soul and show only the aspect that relates to the external.

You have sackcloth and silk. They are in different categories. But the body identifies first that they are both physical material. The soul comes down to a level where it can relate to pure physicality. And from this starting point it can bring more refined aspects.

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