Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The Soul and The World p: 49

AyinBase with R' Paltiel p: 49 5/4/2011 Wednesday 30 Nissan 5771

Page 49 – about half way into the page (line starts: kuli...)

The soul has faculties. They are not created at the time of their function. This is not evolutionary. The circumstances do not create them. The faculties are elements of the soul. This is the element of truth of malchus in the soul. This means wherever the soul will be placed it will be able to relate – it can relate to G-dliness and to world. It can translate for world.

So as we see faculties as developed, yet they are rooted in the essence of the soul. Chochmah is the initial faculty.

Bina derives from chochmah. In what way? If someone is sighless can't you describe what a table is? Are we saying hearing (bina) is a derivative of sight (chochmah)? Why do we say sight is the beginning and all derives from there? Yes, you can describe the table to a blind man, but you can give him only the form not its essence. This is what we mean that sight is the 'life' of hearing.

Bina can act without chochma. A whole system can be built, but is is real only on paper, not in the human mind. For that chochmah is needed, to bring the truth element.

This is how all the faculties are rooted in the chochmah of the soul – this is tikkun. In tohu each faculty is 'independent'.

Below the middle of the page at 'kuli': so we see the souls are from the element of pnimiut ein sof and unchanged by circumstance. This is why the souls were created in the form of independence – essence, not just a reflection/function.

The soul can contain essential, inner lights and not be nullified by them. We have a faculty called emunah/faith and it is an essential element – not functional. When emunah is in full revelation then all the faculties completely change and you see a completely different world – not a dark world. You see the truth of every object.

This is like the maggid being able to tell if a piece of funiture was made by a carpenter, who was blind in one eye.

The soul receives essential like – it receives the light of torah and mitzvot.

p 49 right click to enlarge

The soul even now relates to the way things are in essence.

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