Monday, May 9, 2011

Fit Like Twins p: 50

AyinBase with R' Paltiel p: 50 5/9/2011 Monday 5 Iyar 5771 

Page 50 – about 10th line of the page (line starts: bechol olam...)

Souls, though undergoing an incredible descent, remain the same. They are infinite and never stop.

If a human being lacks purpose he loses the ability to move around physically, because the soul is essentially the same and if one loses purpose his connection to his soul is concealed.

In real truth the souls are all identical. There is one Father for all of them. Beyond having one source, they are also equivalent. In the world of tikkun all goes through the chochmah and hence there is unity. In tohu there is fragmentation and division. Above all is equal in source. The novelty here is that even in their extension into the world the still share a common language and represent the same thing – thus they are equal.

It is just that the bodies divide and separate, but the souls fit together like twins. The souls are continually looking back at their origin – the unity of Hashem. What enables even human action on the lower level is the intention behind it – though he may not be able to articulate it, it is the sense of purpose/unity that motivates his action.

The souls are eternal and don't dissipate.

Souls are essential, in contrast to world. And an essence does not end nor interrupt nor dissipate ever.

If we think about the situation of tohu and tikkun: in tohu each sphirah has its own source in etzem, but in tikkun all comes through chochmah. In tikun for example each sphirah needs the support and direction of chochmah. In tohu the absolute power of each sphirah is represented the way it is in essence.

In essence/etzem everything is represented equally. This is in contrast to our functional world. In our world we conceptualize a table – and the various parts – and materials and tools to make it. Is the table an afterthought? Or a true concept? The world itself, and the depth it has provides for every kind of different function.

The Rebbe says that the way radio waves work may be technical, but the reason it works is because there is a perfect unity in the world. If that unity didn't exist then we couldn't possibly create it.

We perceive the world as one entity and thus feel comfortable using technology that connects people in an instant.

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