Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Definitive and Infinite p: 50

AyinBase with R' Paltiel p: 50 5/11/2011 Wednesday 7 Iyar 5771

Page 50 – just below the middle of the page (line starts: umetziusan...) 

We have been explaining how the souls come to be a true presence.

The souls are made of essential light. This means the soul is not limited – it is eternal and can go to everyplace.

Essence does not become the source for something, rather the essence itself takes that form. And this is the soul. It is not a derivative of essence, it is essence. 

This is understood from the 2 types of mentorship discussed before. One, physical mentorship resulting in the birth of a child, because the essential faculty of the father is given and not a derivative thereof. Thus a new existence is brought into being.

In contrast, two, the hashpaa/mentorship on the level of sechel/mind. The student experiences a new sechel/mind, not just new information. The mekabel/recipient learns to make his own progress in every area of sechel. Thus the rav/teacher is in a sense creating a sechel in the student. But this is not part of the sechel of the teacher – rather the light of the sechel of the mekabel/student has been aroused/revealed. The teacher 'wakes up and refines' the student.

The soul is definitive and infinite! This is a paradox.

We have seen that there are 2 kinds of infinity – inner and external. Having a huge amount of something is an external infinity. Having the King or a renewable resource from ein, then you have an immeasurable infinity – this is an inyan of etzem/essence.

In this week's parsha in the Torah we learn about honesty in business, and fair pricing in moveable objects, but for land any agreed price is the price! There is no overcharging. Land has an element of infinity to it and is thus outside the market constraints.

This is like the soul being at the same time definitive and infinite!

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