Sunday, May 15, 2011

The Third Partner p: 50

AyinBase with R' Paltiel p: 50 5/15/2011 Sunday 11 Iyar 5771 

Page 50 – about 6 lines from the end of the page (line starts: ha-atzmis... )

The essence/mehus/source of the neshamah is the essential G-dly light.

Sometimes the Alte Rebbe quotes his source specifically, and sometimes he just makes the statement. The point of saying, 'I heard it from my teacher' – gives it additional force/substantiation. And when he says it without a quote, it is because he sees the reality from its inception. Like Zushya says, 'I didn't have to learn if from Rava and Abaya – I got it from the source that they got it from'.

The point is that having the quotes and logic doesn't mean that it makes the reality. Something that is a ha-arah/reflection needs substantiation beyond the fact that it exists. The soul has reality because He is here. Not two separate things.

A soul cannot be damaged. A body can be damaged/injured. Soul is the essence of life and does not diminish. Though the body lives from the soul, it needs to be whole to receive the life.
The mehus of the body is its physical structure. The soul gives it life. It is the power of the soul that directs the body to heal. 

The soul is connected to the body. It is only a reflection of the soul and it enlivens the body. The body still needs physicality to sustain itself. Through the reflection of the soul one can rise to sense the essence of the soul. Emunah is something that is reflection, but actually essence.

Atle Rebbe says, even a simple man is prepared to go on mesirus nefesh / giving his life, for His sake. As if he has no other option. This is a sense of the essence in the body. And at those moments the body is not in a body in the regular state. It feels the joy of the soul and not the pain of the body.

During the Spanish Inquisition, a Jew was standing before the fire, and it could have been avoided, but he ran and jumped in. Some took the other route, why? Just as one can be insensitive to being a human being, so too physicality which is the opposite of soul/neshamah can cover the soul expression.

Usually the body is not a receptacle to the level of soul purity. Usually the soul and body are like partners. At certain moments the body is not sensitive to its own state. The body becomes sensitive only to the soul.

Chassidus, when learned properly brings out the essence of elokus/G-dliness in the world.

The soul is a creation, yet is made of the Creator's element. A spark of the Creator, becomes a spark of the creation.

Avraham Avinu was not looking for the source of the world. He was looking for the owner. The owner is higher than the source. When he found the Owner, he said, 'that is what we have to focus on, then the world becomes real!'  

Man is not interested in the 'reflection' he wants the essence. We life in the word and need to conform to many parameters. Why? Do we want to, 'make a better world'? Or do we want to 'make a dwelling place for Him'?

We want to serve Him. Avraham was established when he went through with Akeidat Yitzchak / the binding of Isaac.

So the makor/source gives out a ha-arah/reflection. But man is an essence, 'a full fledged presence' and he looks for an essence.

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