Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Relate to the Real World p: 49

AyinBase with R' Paltiel p: 49 5/3/2011 Tuesday 29 Nissan 5771

Page 49 – about a third from the top of page (line starts: mikoach ha sechel...) 

Souls are called, children of His/Makom. This is because the root of their coming into being is from the helem ha atzmi – the essential content of chochmah in the Essence.

They are from the concealed essence.

Birth represents in the human being – essence itself – its own truth. This is true on the soul level and on earth. There is no context – it is derivative of the essence itself. It is from the primal chochmah – chochmah in an initial state before it became a faculty.

Even though the world contains many things, and all are created individually, yet each thing is a revelation of the content of His ratzon. Ratzon/will is makif/surrounding. An action doesn't have a basis for existence – it needs a context. For example a table is made and stands alone, but it is given substance/right to be by the human owner. If he doesn't want it – it will vanish. This is a mashal/metaphor for creation.

Nothing can exist without there being a G-dly presence in this thing. And how is the G-dly presence represented in the world? Ratzon. This gives the world reality. ratzon/will unlike speech does not become separate from the person. So too above – it does not become separate.

His will gives existence and place for the world.

The world is great, but I pales in comparison to His will.

The world is made by His external will. His internal will if for the souls of Israel.

p 49 AyinBase, Rebbe Rashab (right click to open in new window and enlarge)

What is the world about? Not its physicality, but its purpose. Torah and souls of Israel are that purpose.

How do they bring reality to the world? Their existence and avodah is the same and they represent the G-dly sense for the world.

What would the world be like if not for the human being? Some of the liberals say, 'oh, it would be a wonderful world, the creatures, would roam free...'

We say a world without a human being is senseless. Without purpose. Pointless. What does the human being bring? That there is a point to the world.

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