Thursday, December 27, 2012

“Simple to The Extreme” p:3

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel Thursday 14 Tevet 5773 

Page 3
middle of the page – (line starts, 'de ohr ein sof...') For text, click here.

The torah is described as a way... a pathway...

This means functionally that it is the way that infinity (atzmus ohr ein sof) can be brought down into the world.

And why does infinity (atzmus ohr ein sof) need a pathway?!

Infinity (atzmus ohr ein sof) is 'simple to the extreme'. There is nothing in it that can be known. It is above the world of process and cause and effect.

A teacher puts himself into the student's shoes... he reaches the student at his place... and there he imparts information to the student. This is cause and effect – the student is the cause. He presents it to him at his level. This is a real bestowing. The teacher has to possess the sechel/mind of the student.

Above yes, there is a source to everything, but it does not relate to that which is below it. It has the source for all that is below it. Then there is essence, that is removed from all levels.

So if it is above, how do you bring that essence into the world? And that is the goal, to bring essence into the world. And torah is the pathway to achieve this.

In the making of the world there was the concealment of the essence (tzimzum), and then came the kav/line from which emanates the entire world and hishtalshalus (cause and effect).

A line is a series of points. It is not an overwhelming revelation of light... rather it comes as a trickle, as a line.

The Eitz Chaim explains, that the line/kav is like one conduit from the ohr ein sof, (and this is as a metaphor), like a stream from a great river, that provides for the water to be drawn into many vessels. The water can be shared out into different containers. And there is not limit to the amount of water, but they have to be in vessels. If the water came from the main river, it would flood the vessels entirely...

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