Friday, December 14, 2012

The Light & The Water” p:175 AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel Friday 1 Tevet 5773 Sixth Day of Channukah

Page 175
5 lines from top of the page – (line starts, 'be-etzem...') For text, see picture below.

We are looking at how there are different levels in light and how light is affected by the vessel, but despite that it retains its supreme quality of being connected to the essence.

In the examples of water in a colored vase, and light streaming through a stain-glass window, it is actually more intuitive for us to think of the unchanging element in the water and the light.

The point is not that the real thing is the visibility element not the tangibility. Tangibility is due to the tzimzum/contraction. The visibility is due to the chozer ve hay-ir / return and shine – it is the real thing!

The light remains a true neutral reality. When the light becomes colored, it retains the element of enabling visibility, but not in a pure way...

The essence of the functional level of light is still ohr/light essence. Ultimately all creations have an element of truth, and are pointing to His truth...

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