Wednesday, December 26, 2012

“Above Cause and Effect” p:3

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel Wednesday 13 Tevet 5773 

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We elaborated the primary question, of how could the sages nullify the mitzvah of shofar, on Shabbat lest on one carries it...

The call of the shofar is 'giving oneself over to G-dliness.

You could ask why do different verses need to be said, why not just blow the shofar? What do the verses add? And on Shabbat we don't blow the shofar, we just say the verses.

To address this we need to preface by saying that the giving of Torah at Sinai came with the sound of the shofar, and the seeing of the sound.

Torah is known as a path/derech/way. It is the way to bring down the infinite light into the world, and the pathways of the world are 'to Him'. They are the ways for Him to come and be present in the world.

What does it mean that He needs a pathway to be in the world? Isn't He everywhere? Well, He is above and simple – not a composite, and beyond cause and effect. We don't have practical examples of someone who is above cause and effect, but the king of a country can give us an indication... who is above that framework...

In fact the human being is an essence. Secularists cannot handle that thought so they deconstruct the human being and say he evolved from a monkey...

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