Sunday, December 30, 2012

“The Origin of Beauty” p: 4

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel Sunday 17 Tevet 5773

Page 4
8th lines from the top of the page – (line starts, 'vegum...') For text, click here.

We started with questions from Yehudah and Baruch.

We have been saying there are various conduits, as we saw in the metaphor/mashal of the tributaries sourced in a main river...

the kav/line itself is sourced in kesser/crown. Tiferet/beauty is also a direct recipient from kesser, even though it is a midah/emotion, as opposed to chochmah and binah, which are levels of mind.

And tiferet is the resolution of 2 opposite middot – chesed/kindness and gevurah/severity and to resolve this comes the light from kesser and hence tiferet results.

Through chochmah and binah is drawn down the conduit into the 7 midot. This is the 32 pathways of chochmah.

If chochmah draws its light from kesser, why do we say chochmah is the start of the process of the sequential download (seder hishtalshalus)? What is the difference between the download/hamshacha that comes from kesser vs that which comes from chochmah...  

When we talk about these transfers between different levels we are talking about the light, not the vessels. We are not talking about physical entities. A table is not a board on four legs. It is not even defined as convenience. It is a special human quality that translates into a physical item and hence a table results... the board and 4 legs is not what emanates from the chochmah, it is the means to catch what emanates from the human faculty of chochmah (video: 31min 30 seconds).

And when the table is constructed, only the human being relates to it. A cat or any animal never sees the significance of it...

The light for the table originates very high in the human being... He needs a table to be comfortable. The Gemara says, 'the one who eats in the market place resembles a dog...' - even though it may be convenient, it lacks a human quality...

Light and vessels are 2 different worlds...

from crown/kesser into chochmah is not a way of seder hishtalshalus / download – you cannot define kesser into chochmah. So how does it come into chochmah? It is by the means of bitul...

Seder hishtalshalus / download means you took one level and brought it down into a lower level... the lower level is a vessel for the higher levels.

But from crown into chochmah is not something into a vessel. Crown/kesser sees itself in chochmah because it is bitul – nullification of self.
From the crown perspective there cannot be vessels. Crown/kesser is refered to as essence, even though it is not essence, and it is the bottom of the kav... yet very often kesser is refered to as essence. Why? This is because kesser has not keilim/vessels, it is the reality itself. From that perspective it is not even ohr/light. It is just reality! 

We are not talking about the creation of vessels, we are talking about the drawing of light... this is sechel/mind even at the lowest level...

The chochmah/wisdom says, 'I choose the King!' The chochmah has no self interest, and no requirements and no strategy. It is bitul, and the chochmah for this reason gets the King... and nothing specific and his whole reality is changed...!

From binah there is a further seder hishtalshalus / download via 52 gateways that illuminate the 7 emotions...

The emotions have light of the soul (ohr hanefesh).

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