Wednesday, June 19, 2013

“Between This and That” p: 26

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel Wednesday 11 Tammuz 5773

Page 26 (chuf vav). At a about just below halfway into the page – (line begins: 'haratzon...') For text, click: Here.

We started the class by looking at some questions from Akiva – 'why do we need an intermediary?'

A memutzah/intermediary connects to both elements – to the source and the lower elements. Without it there would be a lack of recognition from the one to the other.

There is a human way to do things – everyone senses human dignity and possesses this dignity even if not sensed.

There can be a disconnect between external activity and the inner dignity. To connect there has to be a memutzah/intermediary – this is a sense that the internal and the external meet and correlate.

It is a wild thought, 'that we have real significance'.

In side the text: kings reign through me, says Torah. Who did God consult prior to making the world? What enticed him to create the world? The anticipation that in the world there would be Israel and Torah.

And there are 2 initial enticements... Israel and Torah. That is to say that the Torah and the Jewish people bring Godliness into the world. The people Israel are hated due to this. They negate their own existence by being given over to the purpose beyond world, the purpose of bringing Godliness into the world.

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