Monday, June 17, 2013

“I Know How to Get There” p: 26

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel Monday 9 Tammuz 5773

Photo: Batya David, Israel

Page 26 (chuf vav). At a about halfway into the page – (line begins: 'lekasher...') For text, click: Here.

We are talking about the principle of memutzah or intermediary. The initial truth comes down to a lower level, while remaining the same truth, yet now understood from a worldly perspective.

Torah is an intermediary that binds Israel with His Essence.

This goes all the way up to 'primal wisdom' – chochmah hakdumah.

Torah is primal, existing in the beginning of Godliness, intermediating between Him and world. In side essence Torah mediates between the general ratzon/will and the decisive ratzon/will.

God says, 'I shall reign', and this principle is rooted in His essential aloofness, which has nothing to do with world, but Torah correlates these two elements.

The fact that there is a world is a Godly decision. This means there are no extraneous causes for it. His, is a reality perfect and complete in itself. And from here came the decision to make the world. The world would be a perfect representation of this reality.

In His aloofness, he correlates all reality, but not like correlation on a map. He sees it and knows it from above.

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