Monday, June 3, 2013

“The Way it Has to Be” p:24

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel Monday 25 Sivan 5773 

Page 24 (chuf dalet). Below the middle of the page – (line begins: 'el ha-olamot...') For text, click: Here.

We are looking at what is so novel about Torah. It brought about a higher union. The world could not have been created by atzmiut itself. World is not an essence, and thus would not correlate with essence above. In the creation of the world was the concealing of the essence. And only an external reflection (ha-arah chitzoniut) remained.

This term 'reflection' describes how something reveals itself, rather than how it is in essence.

And this is what the creation of the world involves – this 'external reflection'.

We become familiar with the physical presence because it obstructs us... this is our main way of knowing physicality. This is a far cry from knowing things by means of their truth. But there is an external reflection of something deeper in this process, since if a person is hurt he moves away 'on his own'...

Torah comes from essence. “The chochmah of a person shines on his face”.

At the giving of the Torah, the essence of God was drawn down into the world. This was a total transformation of the world.

Giving of the Torah was the revelation of the truth of essence. The command 'you must not steal', was not based on any consequence, but on the fact that the world is in His presence.

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