Tuesday, June 4, 2013

“Knowing Himself” p:24

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel Tuesday 26 Sivan 5773 

Page 24 (chuf dalet). Lower quarter of the page – (line begins: 'lo nikarti...') For text, click: Here.

We are in a different area. The novelty at the giving of the Torah, was a drawing down, a revelation of the essence of shem havayah (the essence of the Name of God).

Deeper than this... we say Torah comes from chochmah, His wisdom, but we mean not wisdom of atzilus, but the pristine wisdom/chochmah. This is the primal/kadmon wisdom.

By knowing Himself He knows the Torah. The verse says, 'a man cannot know its quality, only God knows the path of Torah', because this wisdom is concealed in essence. It does not have the quality of revealed knowledge at all. Thus it is called, 'knowing Himself'.

An implication of this is that, unlike knowledge that goes through a process, it qualifies as knowledge yet it is within the essence.

Etzem is an essential reality. It is not a composite. It is a level above light and revelation (ohr ve gilui).

A human being is a unique essential presence in the world. His role is to effect the world and not be sunk into it.

Essence is not a presence. It is an essential reality. So what is there to know? Nonetheless it has an element of knowledge, but this is not the kind of knowledge that is separate. He knows the essence at it is. Not the effect of its presence.

Who can know an essence? Only an essential one. And the knowledge has no identifiable features.

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