Thursday, June 27, 2013

“See Delight” p: 28 - 29

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel ThursdayNight 19 Tammuz  

Photo: Batya David, Israel

Page 28 (chuf chet). At about 7 lines from end of the page – (line begins: 'hamelubash...') For text, click: Here.

In everything down to the most simple faculties is found oneg/delight. This is not the element of 'motivation to achieve'. For the eye to see, there has to be oneg/delight in seeing.

And the same applies to all the faculties.

And also in the inner faculties of mind, there is a great element of delight.

And so too on the side of the lower elemental faculties – in all of them there is the element of the delight of the soul.

Why is there pleasure in all of them? It spread through all the faculties. And this gives us a new perception of faculties and what they are.

Think of walking. You have the ability to walk. But taking a step depends on the motivation to move. The ability to walk is really independent of the a motivation to walk.

You don't need motivation to have the faculty function, but you need motivation to engage the faculty.

Oneg is the ein sof / infinity in each faculty. And is what permits it to exist.

Contrast this with the secular view that finds its way into our minds. Secular view says, 'there is no such thing as chayus/vitality. If you move your hand it is like the watch being move across the table'. This is such a reductionist untrue view. Really there is an initial life. There is a creator. He makes everything and provides vitality to all things. This vitality is represented in the form of oneg/delight.

Oneg is unique among the faculties we experience. It unites directly, rather than through a connector. Oneg/delight relates to things seamlessly. It is one with the source. It is an experience of life itself.

Like the breathing. It does not need a motivation. It senses life itself. This is me.

The delight is drawn from the general 'life itself' but you feel the delight of each specific activity, which has this delight in a limited fashion.

A human activity starts internally and has at a lower level an outward effect.

Think of a home. It is an essential human element. It represents what a human being is. It does not just consist of the structure. If is filled with furnishings. They are not separate entities. They are part-and-parcel of the home.

All activities of the home, even if they are trivial, have an element of the vitality of the home. This is illustrative of the fact that all human faculties draw from the vitality of the soul...

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