Thursday, June 13, 2013

“States of Mind” p:26

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel ThursdayNight 4 Tammuz 5773

Photo: Batyah David, Israel
Page 26 (chuf vav). At the 6th line of the page – (line begins: 'elyona...') For text, click: Here.

In explaining how Torah is rooted in essence – in the essence of chochmah and thus becomes a tzelem/form – we went into extensive discussion of how there can be 2 levels of an essence. Both are of the essence, but there is a difference.

We saw how the inner level of kesser and daas are interchangable. Daas provides a similar basis to what kesser/crown provides.

We looked at how daas is within our reach and how we can relate to it, yet the way it is in kesser is different from how it is in daas.

In both cases it is a subtle and essential knowledge. Knowledge without dimension. It is overall reality and hence there is no ability to grasp it. In this way it is similar to the level of crown/kesser.

We are wanting to understand the importance of these principles. This is not an academic discussion, exclusively.

Understand this: essentially 'knowing there is a First Being', precedes a sechel/mind pursuit. It is a fundamental knowledge that is a primary life/soul orientation. It is not knowledge that is discovered after not knowing. It is inherent in the living soul/neshamah.

For years we have been discussing how sechel/mind in Torah is fundamentally different to the 'mind' as used and identified in a worldly context. Real sechel/mind originates from tynug/pleasure and the soul. It is not base on experience and experimentation.

It is an absolute imperative that 'we come to life' and see ourselves from a living rather than a functional perspective. When we say 'in the beginning He created heaven and earth' (Genesis 1:1), that is not just a statement of fact, it changes everything.

You are sustained by your soul not your body. So too the 'big body' is not self-sustaining, it is maintained by Him that it represents.

We have often talked about how easily/comfortably we sit in a room supported by beams, supported by the walls, supported by the foundations, supported by the earth. And the earth is supported by nothing... just Him. It hovers in space. It shows that He makes the higher and the lower realms.

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