Friday, August 2, 2013

“Delight into Form” p: 32

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel Friday 26 Menachem Av 5773

Page 31 (lamed aleph). last line of the page – (line begins: 'be-ayzeh...') For text, click: Here.

We are looking at the relationship between delight and wisdom/chochmah.

We said that actually they are the same.

They are two expressions... they relate to the same source.

The difference is that in chochmah it is enclothed in some topic or element/structure. In chochmah/wisdom is not the pure delight without form. It is the pure delight as it comes into a presentation.

Take a human being and how he relates to life. Then think of how that human sense expressed itself in chochmah. So when he sits down to eat, he does it in a certain manner. He won't lower his face into the food. This is representative of his being a human 

His primary desire is to be a human being. All else depends on this.

This desire is inherent in his soul. It is not learned. It is not due to socialization. It is how God made him. This is prior to all expressions, but expresses itself at all levels. The first expression of this desire is in his chochmah/wisdom.

And here the delight comes in a form...

The chochmah/wisdom identifies a certain thing and this allows the oneg/delight to relate to it.

Pain is that which prevents a person from experiencing his oneg/delight.

If a man is under house arrest then the home represents the deepest pain. If it is a regular home it is providing the deepest satisfaction.

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