Thursday, August 15, 2013

“Delight and Return” p: 32

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel ThursdayNight 9 Elul 5773

Page 32 (לב). Below the middle of the page – (line begins: 'vereye-ah muchachas...') For text, click: Here.

We are sayinging Torah reaches to essence. Torah contains tshuvah/return which is rooted way above wisdom...

We are looking at how the delight Torah is in wisdom/chochmah and in essence/atzmi.

Just like the vitality of the person can heal the cut to the finger, so too tshuvah/return... as long as the person is alive we can recoup...

The body has a physical structure. On a functional level element is imperative. The structure happens to be this way... on the soul/essential level the human structure is an imperative.

The spirit of man knows no bounds. Man relates to the spirit of things. Not to the tangible. He walks into a banquet hall, and relates not to the napkins, but to the joy and purpose of the gathering. And this purpose encompasses all the details and physical elements.

The Rambam says, before you think, there is an awareness, that there is a First Being.

There would not be 'soul' if there was not 'soul of the soul'. The soul unifies everything and it does this because there is a source to everything.

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