Sunday, August 25, 2013

“The Home and The Name” p: 33

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel Sunday 19 Elul 5773

Page 33 (לג). At about a third into the page – (line begins: 'haray yesh beTorah...') For text, click: Here.

There is convention. And people land up thinking on the the level of animals.

They say, 'this is my turf and I will put up a wall'. But this does not carry intellectual significance.

Real sechel/mind says there should be a wall and demarcation. Each human being is a complete Godly creation. Thus he has a place in the world that he owns.

The wall demarcates his area. It has a true significance, not just to facilitate something.

Torah defines the world according to its principles and then it can be there.

No matter how much we identify, we never get to the basis of reality. The basis of reality cannot be grasped. He makes it exist. He is the basis for it.

This is the makif that the mashpia/mentor senses that is not of his own making. It is the truth of his nefesh/soul.

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