Thursday, August 15, 2013

“Delight Beyond Wisdom” p: 32

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel Thursday 9 Elul 5773 

Page 32 (לב). Above the middle of the page – (line begins: 'bechinat chochmah...') For text, click: Here.

We have been looking at the 4 ways Torah is described in Zohar.

The 'soul' level is the delight that is concealed in chochmah. It is concealed due to the fact that chochmah has 'everything' since it is a recipient, but it views it from a 'something' perspective. And 'something' and 'delight' do not merge... so the delight is concealed.

Chochmah can see this delight/oneg and translate it into 'something'.

Delight cannot be captured. You have it when you see it. It is reality without any form or structure.

This hidden delight is what was provided at the giving of the Torah.

It was given from above. It was not the result of human mind working from below. So this is the soul level.

What we have is not 'what we have', but what we are constantly receiving. And this is our life.

The principle that delight is given is the most important element. There is a chain of transmission that goes back to the beginning, and the delight flows through it.

Then there is the level where Torah is called, 'the soul of the soul'. This is the essential delight. In its own place. That has not yet come into the level of wisdom/chochmah. In the Zohar this is called Atik, which is the kesser/crown.

The Torah is rooted in this level beyond chochmah. This is seen in tshuvah. The vessel is broken. There is severance. Yet then comes healing and return.

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