Thursday, August 1, 2013

“Delight & Wisdom” p: 31

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel ThursdayNight 25 Menachem

Light and Bike on Carroll St.
Av 5773

Page 31 (lamed aleph). 4 lines from end of the page – (line begins: 'be-ayzeh...') For text, click: Here.

This morning we went into a new level... we are talking about Torah... chochmah is what brings the life element of the soul into all human activities.

We looked at how King David rejoiced in how Torah/chochmah is this conduit of Godly life into the world. And yet this falls short of appreciating what Torah really is...!

Although chochmah has the element of oneg/delight, there are different levels. There is delight that cannot be imbued in chochmah/wisdom... it is beyond expression. It is essential delight.

The real taste of Torah is united with ein sof (His infinity). It does not express itself in anything. So King David was reprimanded for his praise of Torah, since it did not sufficiently describe Torah in essence...

Actually delight and wisdom/chochmah are intricately inter-related. One is based on the other.

Chochmah/wisdom makes you see things in conformity with the delight of the soul!

We can actually sense this principle. A person delights in something if the sense is true, soul delight. He will relate without any extraneous elements or factors. And this is only when the thing is according to the decree of his wisdom.

Ultimately decisions are not made on a logical basis. Each decision entails a certain spirit. The is the decree of chochmah/wisdom.

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