Thursday, August 1, 2013

“Essential Delight” p: 31

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel Thursday 25 Menachem Av

Photo: Batya David, Israel

Page 31 (lamed). Below the middle of the page – (line begins: 'kulam...') For text, click: Here.

Chochmah/wisdom represents the essential delight. It does it in a way that it can be present in all different possibilities. This is Torah. A 'teaching' for all times and places.

Torah is not about how to behave in the world. It is about how to behave in His presence in the world.

King David said, 'you laws were like songs to me'. This is because the Torah is that which enlivens everything in the world. And King David consoled himself, in times difficulty, by saying, 'all is drawn from Torah, so what significance is there to all worldly happenings, relative to the vitality that Torah provides...'

Although this is a very high level, to reach a state of having comfort from the Torah in all circumstances, yet he was punished for this reference. This is because there is another level beyond this that is incomparable.

In truth the Torah is the essential plaything. His thing that does not come down to be represented even in the essence of wisdom. This is called 'essential delight', that is not enclothed or expressed in anything.

This is the true element of Torah, which is higher than its lower representations.

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