Wednesday, August 14, 2013

“Sunny Delight; One of the Guys” p: 32

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel Wednesday 8 Elul 5773

Page 32 (לב). At about a third into the page – (line begins: 'ha-etzem mamash...') For text, click: Here.

We are looking at how Torah is the essential delight, even beyond how it is dressed in chochmah.

Chochmah has an element of being a 'something' and this is lower than the essential delight.

The First Being is not there as a contrast to 'not being'.

We say chochmah/wisdom has everything, but not in the sense of accumulation. You cannot accumulate everything.

The point is that we have a faculty of chochmah, which is bitul/nullification. It relates without grasping. It says, I choose the king, while knowing it will never grasp the king. This is the principle of Judaism. Relating to the truth because it is true.

How do we want truth because it is true? This is because we have that capacity.

There is a first being and all comes from Him. You are never going to become Him.

Inside the text: in Torah there are the levels of garments, body, soul, and 'soul of the soul'.

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