Tuesday, August 6, 2013

“I Want to Relate to This” p: 32

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel Tuesday 30 Menachem Av

Picture: Sara Yallouze

Page 32 (לב). At about 10th line of the page – (line begins: 'vetziur...') For text, click: Here.

There is a principle that is hard to comprehend. How do you have delight in the essence of the thing? The basis for this kind of question is because we understand ourselves as 'self-made'. We think we understand because we made ourselves understand. This is a view devoid of nefesh/soul. This view removes the difference between human beings and animals.

Essence: there is no such principle in a worldly context. It is present in the world, because the world is a Godly creation. Essence is a 'super-worldly' reality.

Cochmah/wisdom is in the world and it can sense essence, which is super-worldly.

How does it do this? First it sees, the world did not make itself. Anything here in the world was created and brought into it from a Source. And then chochmah/wisdom says, 'I want to relate to that – to that which is beyond world – I want to relate to it, even if my presence will be effaced – I just want to relate to this truth'.

All that we see emanates from the total reality. This is what provides it with being. With the faculty of sight you open your eyes and see everything. You see the entire reality at a glance.

And then there is the sense, that what I see is just the actual item as opposed to the delight, which is where the thing is sourced.

So if you cannot put it in your pocket and walk away with it, what is the point of learning it? Indeed living like an animal is simpler. And many have chosen that. But many don't want to accept that. You are instructed to live according to sechel/mind, and to know there is a Creator that is not knowable. And He has not picture/form.

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