Wednesday, August 21, 2013

In My Presence” p: 33 AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel

Photo credit: Batya David, Israel
Wednesday 15 Elul 5773

Page 33 (לג). At about 8th line of the page – (line begins: 'koach...') For text, click: Here.

We are looking at how in Torah itself, even though it is principally chochmah/wisdom, there is a root way beyond this level.

This is seen specifically in the second set of the 10 commandments.

From worldly accomplishment and possession a person can never be satisfied... Seemingly similar, on the spiritual plane, man wants to go higher and higher. But in the spiritual realm, the man has been lifted higher and given an orientation that allows him to see and go further. Contrast this with the yearning in the physical world; he thought 100 was meaningful, but when he gets there he sees it is meaningless and he wants 200.

What is the cause for the constant dissatisfaction? Any statement that 'here is the limit' is painful, and so he looks to infinity.

Man does small acts with infinite implications, because it all comes from the infinity. Inherent in human thought is the perspective, not of what each thing is, but rather the source from which it comes.

This is what surfaces in the ability to purify. He gets involved in the world and reconnects it to the source and fundamental reality.

There is an essential truth in the soul. This is revealed by means of Torah.

There is a First Being that precedes all consciousness.     

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