Thursday, August 7, 2014

“Soul Walk” p: 72

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel 11 Menachem Av, 5774 

Page 72(1)

At 4th line from end of the top paragraph of the page –(line begins, “veneshamas...”) For text, click: Here or see below.

The point from the previous discourse: the world, although it is of the externalities, its purpose is that the inner level illuminate it completely. Not just to give it light and give it some significance, but that life completely envelopes the world and becomes the primary reality.

This is accomplished by the revelation of atsmus/essence. And then chitzonius/external level ceases to exist. And nothing is lacking...

We understand chochmah as a function. This is external or functional mind... it comes to address a question...

but a human being is fundamental. A world without a human being is nothing. Why? What is unique about man? All his functions and faculties and activities go through the faculty of chochmah/wisdom/חכמה

He walks because his chochmah/wisdom has perceived that it is a valid activity. He does not walk by instinct...

Chochmah/wisdom/חכמה is the interpretation of the soul in the body... the soul says, 'I am not world, I am God'. The chochmah brings this concept into the body of man...!

This is like self awareness. The animal is not aware of self.

A human being knows who he is. He is constantly aware of everything – down to his little toe, though he's not thinking of it... Does a human being like himself? He wouldn't change his nose for another's – he knows reality.

He has the oneg/pleasure of being a human being. This is the pleasure of life. Not due to superiority, just by virtue of being myself.

He's a creation that is reflective of the Creator. He owns the world. He makes the world into a world.

Torah is a statement of will – of right and wrong. Souls are a statement of 'giving life'. An essence that has no statement about itself is not an essence. He stands for something at essence, not because he needs to or that it complements him.

And when God said, 'I make man in my image/tzalmaynu', it refers to man down here on earth... although the principle of the soul is above and not below. Only the 3 lower elements of the soul are here below, while chaya and yechida (the 2 higher elements of the soul) are not enclothed in the body.

This does not mean they are not present I the body, just that they are not enclothed...

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