Sunday, August 3, 2014

“Born For The Purpose...” p: 71

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel 7 Menachem Av, 5774 

Page 71

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The souls of Israel and Torah are what identify and transform the world into a place for essence. The reason they do this... they were selected for this purpose... and the choice was made in essence not based on any particular quality...

It is pure reality itself.

And only Israel can complete this purification of bringing Godliness into the world.

God made this choice prior to creation.

As the creation came down into actuality, down here in this lowest world, the essence again shows itself through Israel.

Since the choice was from essence, without explanation... the souls are imbued with the power of essence.

And thus here in this world the soul can distinguish between pnimiut/inner and chitzoni/external, not based on any criteria. Pnimi here means more representative of essence.

A human being has a soul. He is sensitive to realities that do not express themselves in any kind of contextual and tangible manner, yet these are of great importance to him.

There are two levels of knowing something, 1. I know it via my experience, in contrast to 2. I know due to the truth of the subject. Chochmah is such a pure channel that there is no “I” element. It is the truth/knowledge itself. Pristine chochmah (chochmah hakdumah) is that wisdom that is inherent in essence itself.

The primary chochmah is like knowing yourself. This 'knowing oneself' – think of your toe. When you don't think of it are you aware of it? Yes you are. And when you think of it you are just focusing in on the awareness.

A person has all kinds of faculties. But the element that defines him as a human being is the cognizance of his own reality – not due to any experience. This is the pristine chochmah (chochmah hakdumah).

A human being is born with a mission. He is born with awareness of his presence.

We put ourselves aside and accepted His Torah. Is this awareness or not? Yes, it is awareness, not of our own experience, but awareness of the Essence.

Essence has all qualities, but on an inherent truth level.

When we try to 'make sense' of our lives we miss the point. The value of our lives is not based on the sense it makes, but rather on the fact that 'it is so chosen...!' God has declared that you are here your life makes the world into a world.

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