Thursday, February 23, 2017

“Be For Real” p 64

Even in our world, to be successful, there needs to be a gradualism. You proceed through stages and fully grasp each stage and project towards the next...”
Be For Real p 64
Ayin Base with R' Paltiel. Shvat 5777.

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Page 63 [of the pamphlet] A third into the page – line starts: 'de-atzilut'. (P49 in the book)
table, revelation, chabad, light, life, unity, sphirot, intention, kavanah, rebbe, world purpose, First Being, Real presence, beginning of the world, kingship

What's the point of discussing 3 levels of light?

And the original level – the infinite light itself, we are not [for the moment] discussing.

The goal is to expose and distinguish between the lights of tohu and the lights of tikkun.

The lights of tohu were very very high and could not be contained...

What is the process of tikkun that safeguards against breaking of the vessels, vs that of tohu?

A distinct feature of tikkun is the gradualism.

Even in our world, to be successful there needs to be a gradualism. You proceed through stages and fully grasp each stage and project towards the next...

In business there needs to be the rule of gradualism... overstepping results in downfall.

So the 3 levels of light we are discussing deal with the creation of the world. For there to be a healthy world, it needs to be able to sense, and relate to, “where do I come from?”

Then it can be “for real”.

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