Thursday, February 2, 2017

“The Essential Beginning” p 62-3

In truth whatever you have is insignificant without the essential beginning. And you always relate to the beginning, to 'what is this about'.”
The Essential Beginning” p 62-3
Ayin Base with R' Paltiel. Shvat 5777.

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Page 62 [of the pamphlet] At 4 lines from end of the page – line starts: 'hitchadshut'. (P48 in the book)

Light is the impact of the essence.

Ohr/light is incessantly connected to the source.

Although there is a contraction which resulted in a removal of the light and what follows is novel, this is not entirely so...

In truth whatever you have is insignificant without the essential beginning. And you always relate to the beginning to 'what is this about'.

And thus it is not really a novelty/hischadshut – it is always attached to its origin.

No matter how profound the contraction the light always retains its connection to its source.

The human being has a supreme presence in the world – he's not part of ithe world like the other creatures. He represents something superior to world. He represents the source and intent of world.

Thus he remains aloof. While being in the world. And he participates in worldly activities... without losing his dignity... so too the lights that emanate after the tzimtzum retain a connection to source...

The lights are a revelation from the hidden stage [may hahelem]. The hidden level stands for an essential reality.

It retains the connection. Thus it is not shaky. It is rooted. It has the element of pshitus/simplicity.

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