Thursday, February 16, 2017

“Seek What's Real; Levels of Light” p 64

If you want to identify a man stands for you can look at his home [if he's right there he may overwhelm your thinking – his presence overwhelms what he stands for]. So too, look at His world to know what He stands for
Levels of Light” p 64
Ayin Base with R' Paltiel. Shvat 5777.

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Page 63 [of the pamphlet] At 3rd line from the top of the page – line starts: 'ha-madreiga'. (P48 in the book)

We are talking of 3 levels of light.

The highest light is above correlation with vessels.

The highest light is just bound up with the essence.

This is the first level of light. It is lights that are united with essence, and they came to be based on the intent of the essence. The light represents this will/intent. In this light there are 10 sphirot.

It already has an aim and an organization to it.

Since there was a tzimtzum, He hid his presence... so now you get the second level of light.

If you want to identify a man stands for you can look at his home [if he's right there he may overwhelm your thinking – his presence overwhelms what he stands for]. So too, look at His world to know what He stands for.

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