Sunday, February 12, 2017

“Beyond Experience” p 63

In the world there is a rule, “what is experienced, exists. What is not experienced, does not exist”. But there is also a Godly reality in the world. It says, “I am not limited to what I have experienced. I have chochmah/inspiration. The reality itself makes it real. Not my experience.”
Beyond Experience” p 63
Ayin Base with R' Paltiel. Shvat 5777.

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Page 63 [of the pamphlet] At lower third of the page – line starts: 'ukmo'. (P48 in the book)

The Rebbe is explaining there are 3 levels in lights/ohrot.

Level One: the way the light it is in essence before the tzimtzum. And the the 10 sphirot are there in a concealed state. The arousal of His will is the reason for the 10. And prior to that there are infinite sphirot.

In the world there is a rule, “what is experienced, exists. What is not experienced, does not exist”. But there is also a Godly reality in the world. It says, “I am not limited to what I have experienced. I have chochmah/inspiration. The reality itself makes it real. Not my experience.”

Arousal of His will means there is Godliness that is remote from any kind defining element and then there is the first moment where Godliness gives a representation of itself – the first moment of purpose and creation... This is the scratch on the supernal infinity...

The whole world is after the arousal of His will. Nothing is here without a purpose.

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