Wednesday, February 1, 2017

“In Plain Sight” p 62-3

Ratzon/will is completely above creation. It is 'personal to Him'. There is no cause for His will.”
In Plain Sight” p 62-3
Ayin Base with R' Paltiel. Shvat 5777.

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Page 62 [of the pamphlet] At 3 lines from end of the page – line starts: 'bimkoro'. (P48 in the book)

Although creations have a physical presence, it is inescapable that it alludes to its Creator.

It is there because the Source identifies it.

Visibility tells you there is a reality.

The creation is seen in that context. This gives it a reality element as opposed to a purely functional nature.

The 10 sphirot on the level of light are in a state of simplicity in contrast to how they are on the level of keilim/vessels.

Ratzon/will is completely above creation. It is 'personal to Him'. There is no cause for His will.

This is seen in the human being, where he has a level of purity that defies explanation.

The world is intended. It stays connected to its source. In the source there is a plan – there are 10 sphirot – it is not totally in the level of simplicity.


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