Wednesday, February 22, 2017

“Rule the Day; Too Essential” p 64

There are things beyond human grasp – such as his own identity, the sun, the day – he can have a sense of their value, but he did not name them...”
Rule the Day; Too Essential p 64
Ayin Base with R' Paltiel. Shvat 5777.

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Page 63 [of the pamphlet] A third into the page – line starts: 'hitgabrut'. (P49 in the book)

We are talking about levels of light. Light represent essence - the King Himself. Keep that in focus. The light that the sun provides is not a generated light, it is its presence that illuminates the world. The sun is call an essential illuminator.

The principle of an essence is that the entire environment that it touches, becomes like itself...

The human being is essential. He lives in a home. The entire home is his and affected by his human reality.

There are things beyond human grasp – such as his own identity, the sun, the day – he can have a sense of their value, but he did not name them...

The sun transforms the world – it makes day. This the quality of an essence – transformation of the surroundings.

The second level of lights - “You are wise, but not with a knowable wisdom” - there are sphirot, at this level, but not defined and exposed.


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