Sunday, February 5, 2017

“Full Expression” p 62-3

Thus at the outset, at the highest level, there is the tendency towards full expression.”
Full Expression” p 62-3
Ayin Base with R' Paltiel. Shvat 5777.

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Page 62 [of the pamphlet] At 3rd line from end of the page – line starts: 'bimkoro'. (P48 in the book)

There is a full perfect between the lights and the vessels. How?

Light is an intangible emanation from the source. It says 'the essence is here'.

The vessels are just the opposite. It identifies itself.

How do they fit together?

This is due to the fact that at their highest level there is already an element of the 10 sphirot.

And sphirot already relate to definition and sequence and presentation.

Thus at the outset it has the tendency towards full expression.

Subsequently there is revelation from the hidden level, resulting in a light that can be dressed in vessels.

Everything is in our awareness. We are aware of it because it is real. Not because we touched it. This is chochmah/wisdom/inspiration.

There's a perfect union between the light and vessel, because the light recognizes that it fits in the vessel.

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