Sunday, February 26, 2017

“Knowledge beyond Knowing” p 64

There is a level where He is unto Himself. And how do we relate to Him as He is completely remove from world and alone unto Himself?”
Knowledge beyond Knowing p 64
Ayin Base with R' Paltiel. Shvat 5777.

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Page 63 [of the pamphlet] A last third the page – line starts: 've-al'. (P49 in the book)

There is a contraction which is a reduction, not a removal of the light. It allows the inherent content of the light to surface.

Think of a home. If the owner is absent, you recognize the furnishings as separate items and as items in the context of a home that is owner.

And if it was just a model home, you sense that the spirit is missing – that it is not real.

In a real home you have deference for the owner, and the furnishings represent him. And when he is not present he is still there, but in a reduced fashion – this is a reduction/miut of the light.

There is a level where He is unto Himself. And how do we relate to Him as He is completely remove from world and alone unto Himself?

This is before the tzimtzum/contration. Here there is malchus de ohr ein sof – the royal element in infinity. This is the origin of the projection into a defined and limited world.

This projection/hashara is His ratzon/will to create.

In ratzon there are no details. In chochmah they become apparent. Sight in daylight is a metaphor for this – you have an overall vista and you have details that fit together.

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