Friday, February 17, 2017

“Light in Darkness” p 64

Light here means emanations from Him, not Him as He is unto Himself.”
Light in Darkness” p 64
Ayin Base with R' Paltiel. Shvat 5777.

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Page 63 [of the pamphlet] At 3rd line from the top of the page – line starts: 'ha-madreiga'. (P48 in the book)

We are talking of 3 levels of light.

Light here means emanations from Him, not Him as He is unto Himself.

The highest light is due to the arousal of His will, and has the 10 hidden sphirot.

The next level is where the lights are brought forth and revealed after the tzimtzum.

The difference here is that it is after the tzimtzum/contraction, which hid the presence of the essence, and the presence of lights/ohrot is revealed.

You don't have lights without a source/essence. So how do they exist after the tzimtzum when the source is removed/hidden? This is due to a trace/ha-arah of the source that remains.

Here there are 10 that are no longer hidden/ganuz, but they are not yet 'taking effect'. They are 'bli mah' – without individual presence.

That's to say that before they are dressed into vessels, they are still in a state of simplicity.

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