Wednesday, February 15, 2017

“No Deflection” p 63-4

To the fleshy eye it looks like light deflects off physicality. We are learning of a different relationship, here the light and the vessels embrace each other and there is no deflection...!”
No Deflection” p 63-4
Ayin Base with R' Paltiel. Shvat 5777.

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Page 63 [of the pamphlet] At 3rd line from end of the page – line starts: 'nekudah'. (P48 in the book)

What are we dealing with? It is the principle of lights dressed into vessels.

What's the big deal? When two things touch they get involved with each other – doesn't seem like a big deal. But here there is a complete interrelationship of opposites. The light represents the illuminator, the spiritual realm; and vessels represent physicality.

To the fleshy eye it looks like light deflects off physicality. We are learning of a different relationship, here the light and the vessels embrace each other and there is no deflection...!

It is His will that co-ordinates the light and the vessels.

It allows the highest elements to be translated down into a finite realm.

His will is not due to a need, but is based in His truth.

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