Thursday, October 15, 2009

When light shines – it can shine on gold or dirt and it is not affected

Aeter with R' Paltiel 10/15/09 Thursday 27 Tishrei 5770 P:PayBeis

If there is truth in the learning it points to the truth that is beyond the learning.

Binah without chochmah is a meaningless process. It would be like gilui without and etzem. Without the chochmah it is all imaginary. Even our attempts from below (lematat-lemayla) are all based on emunah.

This is why in our world the deepest severance from elokus is the question, “is there such a thing as reality?” with this question you can lose sight of the most basic things – the difference between man and beast.

2nd line from bottom of pay beis.

“The king is holy and removed, unto himself”.  When light shines – it can shine on gold or dirt and it is not affected. Why? Wherever it is it remains itself – this is like – kadosh/holy: it cannot be absorbed by anything. Metzius, bilti metzius nimzah – a presence (this is already malchus) that is holy that is present, but not affected by world.

The rebbe sat at a window looking into space – totally oblivious. If he's looking into space how can he not notice if someone blocks the space? This is contemplation beyond metzius.

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