Aeter with R' Paltiel 10/14/09 Wednesday 26 Tishrei 5770 P:PayBeis
The bottom of pay beis.
It sounds in congruous to say a melech belo am. In what way is he a king? The meaning of king is based on his effect externally. So even if we say that atzmus is everything and everywhere – that's the etzem itself, and doesn't describe spreading and affecting the outside. So how do we understand melech from this understanding of atzmus?
A vibrant mind is busy all the time – if not for the creation of the world, what was Hashem busy with? Why was He not bored?
This is the ultimate meaning of our lives and accomplishment – connecting to Hashem. Our accomplishments are all relative – we are hungry, some lack and we respond. Under a state of perfection these activities will have no value. Above this is the highest level of perfection and activities there are not to fill a gap. This is malchus above. It is not the ikar of elokus that He makes worlds. The worlds don't define him at all. Sechel even though it answers a question has an inner G-dly point of truth – malchus is the expression of that truth.
Inherent in etzem is the ability also to express itself. How is malchus an expression? To speak of everything in etzem is an expression. Etzem is beyond that.
The principle of everything is to say that in this point of what he is, encompasses everything. Inside the king is a traffic light – there in untold variety and
the enabling of it. What does he do all day? His activity is without activity. Only illustration we have is “tzaddikim sit and enjoy the ray of shchinah”. Our activitiy consists of 2 things – the doing and the effect.
Our activity is complemented by something external to it. The Rebbe Rashab visited Freud, who asked him what he does, he said, that the heart should understand what the mind knows. Freud advised that he have the chassidim report back to him the effect of his words on them. Though the Rebbe had to say what needed saying, there had to be an effect.
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