Aeter with R' Paltiel 10/1/09 Thursday Night 13 Tishrei 5770 P:PayBeis
Few lines above the middle the page pay beis – line starts “et shabbsosai”.
Just as in mochin that connect to z'a – and the kesser of mochin goes into it. Similar inyan in malchus – etzem of atzilus is connected with biya.
Gilui shchinah is not just malchus, but also that which is higher than it. As for example in beis hamikdash there was shchinah and also Him Himself. If it was just malchus, and not Him, then it would not be a real yichud/union.
Now we start a new step in the meimer. Malchus of ein sof becomes the atik for briyah – this is to say that briah is provided with an atik – something higher than itself and this gives it a different sense and a sense of a higher reality. So too similarly malchus of atzilus de klalus becomes the atik for adam de klalus.
Klalus means here klal – that which incorporates everything. This is like a human starts with sechel and has thougth speech and action (mochin, midot and malchus) – 3 distinct levels. And then there are makifim that are equal through-out the human.
This makif is the kesser – ratzon and oneg, permeating the whole person. So now we have 4 layers – the koach makifim and within that the other 3. this entire unit including the kesser, including the ratzon ha adam, is part of a much bigger world. “let us make man and he will rule over the world” - that is to say man is an important entity, but important in the creation. World with the man was created as one big entity – within that overall context – in which man is a part, perhaps the main part, there too there are these various stages – these 4 layers.
The creation in general is referred to as adam – like man is a microcosm. The overall structure mirrors this. The principle of adam – of the human being is that he is a structure – that is things come in an order – to act there have to be midot preceding it and mochin before that and kesser preceding that level. Human action is premeditated – it is not impulsive or reactive.
Adam de klalus is the start of the whole seder hishtalshalus.
What facilitates this structure is ohr be keili (light in a vessel) – this first surfaces in atzilus where there is a mention of 10 sphirot – distinct entities and it is the keili that contains it and makes it distinct. Take the human being – he has many levels, but without it being pointed out he's not aware of them.
When do we become aware of our thoughts? When the thought is ohr be keili.
And thought is constantly fluttering and many insights evolve from these thoughts, but a man can be completely unaware. It comes into awareness when it is ohr be keili.
Hishtalshalus is called adam – and there is this structure firstly in atzilus and then there is adam de klalus, which doesn't have the inyan of keilim as distinct entities, but as potentialities.
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