Friday, October 16, 2009

He and his name alone

Aeter with R' Paltiel 10/16/09 Friday 28 Tishrei 5770 P:PayGimmel

End of second line – top of pay gimmel.

This aspect of he and his name alone were before creation, is contained and united in atzmus itself. It is not a separate step.

Malchus is where it is definable “what all this is about”. Above that it is just “going on” without any definition or expression. Malchus level is confirmed by that which is above it – non presence.

Etzem elokus is not presence, yet it has an aspect of presence, this is “hu veshmo” - he and his name. Hu is not presence and shmo is his name, which is presence/revelation. Here the revelation/shmo could not, not be.

Chassidus expalains that “name” is an external thing, on the other hand the name captures the whole person/entity. If a person faints, one way to wake him is calling his name. If it is so external, how does it penetrate? To know the name is external, but to have the name is pnimi/internal. The person has a deep sense of his own presence (in contrast to a truth without and identity) and that is connected to his name. The self awareness in a person is his inherent presence – that he is for real – this is malchus. The name is connected to this.

Here below a car needs a body on the chassis and the components to give it a presence and a name, above there is no need – there are no components, the name too is truth.

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