Monday, October 19, 2009

Don't bother me

Aeter with R' Paltiel 10/19/09 Monday 1 MarChesvan 5770 P:PayGimmel

Line starts mezumzum – about a 3rd down the page pay gimmel.

When there is gilui of malchus, then the yirah is bepnimius.

We experience yirah/fear in our world. The way we interpret it is, that I on my own should not have any concerns, if there are concerns they are coming from outside. We perceive things as response to external stimulus. At the level of nefesh however, in its most passive state is in a contstant state of desire. This is yirah pnimi. The essence of the nefesh is its bitul to elokus – there is no insensitive state in it.

Nefesh is chelek elokah – wanting to recognize and be incorporated into G-dliness continually.

We have a similar aspect. Normally we think in term of “not being bothered” - the real truth however is there is an underlying sense that we do not want to be separate and alone.

Life means to live in a living world, not in a capsule in outer space. The nefesh is continually alive (not just when it is bothered by some lack).

Chochmah is a window to the nefesh – you have a way to see it without being able to fully understand. You see it since it is true. This is mehus ha ohr. That illicits a yirah of a different type – it is not reactive. It is the ohr itself that creates the yirah. This is awsome – not because i'm scared, but because of what it is.

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