Wednesday, October 28, 2009

“Do you think the eagle flies, because it has wings?”

Aeter with R' Paltiel 10/28/09 Wednesday 10 Chesvan 5770 P:PayDalet

Line starts memale.

“Do you think the eagle flies, because it has wings?”

The soul of the bird enables it to fly.

“I am making you aware, till you examine and see how you yourself, perceive it. This is the principle of bringing out our own intelligence/sensitivity.”

The recognition of memale kol almin is due to us seeing the world. Sovev is beyond world, independent of it, but we also realize and can absorb with our intelligence that there is a level of sovev because this too is a need of the world. The world cannot exist without the level of sovev, it needs ohr makif.

Though each creation in the world has its own identity it is functioning in an overall context – this is makif (sovev is the same thing, from above).

“I was talking to some guys, trying to wake them up, every person is concerned about his sustenance, how about a prisoner, who has all his “needs” taken care of, but he's in pain. Same thing if you have a capsule filled with all human needs and a man is shot into space, without the possibility of return. At first the guy said, 'I don't see what would be so bad about it', but then he saw that this would be a living death – there would be no living environment.”

The world requires an ohr makif. The sun rises, travels and sets. What does it mean? What does light on earth mean? (not light in contrast to darkness) The whole night we await daybreak.

Sovev kol almin is really above world. To provide context there has to a connection to sovev – that which is above worldly distinctions – a connection to essence.

The president is concerned what history will say about him – he's thinking about eternity – something beyond world.

The real sense in a person and the world as to what is happening is that something is happening that is outside what can be contained in my sechel. If it can be contained it is not living. Yesh me ein, means that the yesh has an ein quality. The world is not yesh me yesh and is thus indestructible.

For the world to be real it needs a sovev – a sense of reality beyond itself.

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