Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The etzem conceals itself, but it surfaces.

Aeter with R' Paltiel 10/21/09 Wednesday 3 Chesvan 5770 P:PayGimmel

About a 3rd from the top - line starts veyesh bechinat yirah ilah – about a 3rd down the page pay gimmel.

We said chochmah is gilui mehus ha ohr. Even though it is a true observation of the inyan, there is still, just as in sight you and the object are separate – you are not part of it – you see the gillui. Yirah ilyonah is the yirah as it is contained in the malchus itself – that is realized not through observation, but etzem and malchus are one thing. This is not a gilui, but a surfacing.

The am and the malchus are one thing. This is yirah ilyonah. This is different from yirah ilah, which is something separate from the king.

Etzem elokus is everywhere, but we don't sense it. Why do we have to go to chochmah to sense it? The etzem conceals itself, but it surfaces. (ohr is affected by tzimzum, not etzem). Surfacing is when you are given ability/permission to see that which you are usually not able to see.

This yirah was able to extract the people from the darkness of mitzraim, since this yirah reaches every place. Why does it reach everywhere? Since it is everywhere.

Why yirah and not etzem? There is a difference between taking an object out of place, the object is moved because of the force acting on it. Coming out of mitzraim the people chose/acknowledged and the people followed Hashem into the desert – it was really their decision to go.

Elokus is in all places and darkness does not hide or cover it – it was this level of atzmus that affected the exodus.

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