2/3rds down the page pay beis. Line starts “shchinta”.
Malchus of atzilus goes down and creates biya and facilitates its connection to atzilus itself – so too in the beginning of all the giluim.
Just as malchus of atzilus (malcus of ein sof) becomes atik for briah, so too malchus da atzilus de klalus becomes atik for adam de klalus.
Due to this the entire creation which begins with the tzimzum, and the state above tzimzum (etzem) relates to the creation itself.
We said that in contrast to our 4 worlds (biya), atzilus is in a category by itself. There the ohrot are atzmi'im – ie they have full cognizance of their source. Malchus element of this atzilus serves as atik for adam kadmon (a'k).
The difference of before and after the tzimzum is not a quantitative or even qualitative difference. The difference is a new creation – the situation of no ohr and then light brought into it. Before the zimzum there was no “not being”, no vacant space.
the light from before tzimzum is atik for adam kadmon. This gives ohrot of a'k a sense of reality, of essential presence.
Malchus before the tzimzum is the element of the primal thought (machshavah hakduma) of anah emloch (I shall reign), which is the whole cause of the tzimzum and creation, since there is “no king without a people” (ein melech b'lo am).
All the sephirot all the way down are manifestations at their level of that essential desire/ratzon of “I want to be king”.
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