Thursday, January 20, 2011

Constant and not graspable

AyinBase with R' Paltiel 1/20/2011 Thursday 15 Shvat 5771

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Page 37 – at the start of the meimar (Line starts “vayomer...”)

As long as there is a sun there is sunlight. The ohr/light is the result of the presence of the sun – a fundamental reality. You may think it is unlimited, but it has a limit.

Sechel has a beginning, an edge, and an end – thus it is grapable. Emunah/faith is not graspable and constant.

Sechel is like ohr ruchni and it has a limit. sechel/mind has a limit and works with definitions and structure.

Why does a rav point out to his student, the fact of yesh mi ein / something from nothing? If something exists, it has to have been brought into existence. Otherwise, where did it come from. Sechel recognizes you have to be able to explain things logically. If you accept that something exists, it has to fit with logic. Sechel recognizes, “if something exists, it has a right to exist”. This is revealing to the student that there is an overall reality.

Page 38 Ayin Base - Rebbe Rashab

Ultimately the logic is based on emunah. At the outset you start from your experiences. The ohr ruchni shows that there has to be an underlying truth to the facts that we encounter and deduce.

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