AyinBase with R' Paltiel 1/6/2011 Thursday 1 Shvat 5771
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Page 41 – below the middle of the page (line starts “kmo she-hem behamshacha...”)
Birth/conception comes from the essence/koach itself. It is not really a koach on a functioning level, rather it is present due to the perfection of the soul. Every koach that participates in the hamshacha/download, even the conscious faculties are based on the essence of the koach, rather than its effect.
If one has meaningful intention, it has to represent something essential, not something of a superficial quality.
The matter of modesty during the intimate moment, provides protection and prevents distraction. The real thing is only that which is rooted in an essential sense.
“My essence expands beyond me” - “a man and a woman become one” - this is how it is possible for an essence to be transferred. Because they are one this is how it is possible to transfer and essence. The man and the woman together are called Adam. A person alone is not part of the general community – he's not a citizen till he gets married.
On the one hand the child comes from the father, on the other hand the child becomes a full presence by becoming muvdal/separate from his father. This is a shinui ha mehus – the son originates his own ideas, originating in his own soul, not to say he doesn't learn from his father and others etc.
On the one hand all are part of the human species, yet no two are identical. The human soul has such depth that its expression can never be exhausted.
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