AyinBase with R' Paltiel 1/14/2011 Friday 9 Shvat 5771
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Page 43 – 8 lines from the top of the page (Line starts “kehilat Yaakov...”)
The principle of conquest is that man is not just to settle and maintain, he is to transform the world. This is an essential faculty – to bring out the essential quality that is in the world.
This is the man sensing “how it should be...” He goes beyond “how it is” to “how it must be”. He brings out the true value of the world.
The rebbe says in basi legani – the king will spend all for the purpose of triumph.
Mochin in general is what facilitates speech. It transforms and brings something new into the arena. mochin/intellect is the recognition of an “objective” truth that is beyond dis/comfort. This is in contrast to middot where one is personally involved. This means mochin per se is yoshar and metziut davar – it says, “I am here and this thing I know from it's essence, not from how it affects me”.
First in the creation there was igulim/water/circles/tohu. The Ohr Ein Sof was an all encompassing presence. We're all like fish in the sea, but not on our functioning level.
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