AyinBase with R' Paltiel 1/4/2011 Tuesday 28 Tevet 5771
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Page 41 – at the middle of the page (line starts “levad...”)
Koach hamaskil is what empowers our understanding and demands that we understand. It defines the human approach. It is the essence of the sechel, prior to becoming conscious and being given specifity.
The mentor gives from this level. This enables the student to understand on his own.
This demand to understand is not, “wait a minute, I want to have this in my terms”. In fact it is the opposite. The character of sechel is bitul. Hence the demand to understand is “I don't want this in my terms, I want to see the truth in this... I want to see the truth and G-dly element in this topic... Everything is coming from Him, from the truth of His presence”. This is the drive of the koach hamaskil. Nefesh cannot relate, but to the truth.
“The world hangs on nothing” - the world hangs in space and is supported by Hashem.
The world in space is a created reality. It is not a natural reality. One may have a line of questions based on the idea that nature is the reality. But nature is not the reality. Nature has a beginning. All the natural phenomenon we observe are based on a G-dly power, but within a context we can understand them in their limited context.
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