Wednesday, January 12, 2011

A greater union and ascending the mountain

False Bay, Cape Town, South Africa
AyinBase with R' Paltiel 1/12/2011 Wednesday 7 Shvat 5771

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Page 43 – top line of the page (Line starts “base, mem, aleph...”)

Zivugim is only in the arena of yoshar. Yoshar means one is below the other and not encompassed by it. Zivug is hashpah atzmius, and only a metzius davar can receive this essential download/hashpaa.

Zivugim is not found in the area of igulim. Zivug is different from hashpaat ha sechel, where the mentor finds the issue in his own mind – this interweaving is possible only in the area of ohr. Zivug by contrast, is a situation where each is an entity unto himself – there is no overlap. Zivug is between male and female and each retains their own identity.

The connection between male and female in zivug is an inyan atzmi/essence.

Normal hashpah sichli involves interinclusion on the platform of sechel/intellect. Then there is a level of sechel mentorship where the mentor draws from his own essence (not like zivugim) and due to ohr chozer presents something that is the source of his sechel.

Ohr elyon is not a light from sechel, but comes from the fact of “being there”. This is essential hashpaa. Why is it called “ohr”? In zivug the man and the woman remain discrete, so how do they connect? She recognizes the quality of his level.

Rabbi described being a refugee and persecuted. He remembers coming to America and visiting a local. He saw the house with different rooms and he said, “this is how we are meant to live – we were en route, but this is the reality.”

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